Iv always believed in the power of color and iv been looking into the psychology of color for a while now . Below are some key concepts about the amazing topic that still fascinates me on a regular day to day bases .
That's interesting haha we had a spiritual person recommend our wall colours too! You know interestingly.. it's possible to hear colours.. a guy born completely colourblind was given an 'eyeborg' device which has a camera that detects colours lightwaves and translates them into a sound. Each color has a specific musical frequency associated to it. He can even hear colours that even humans haven't come across! but he says its through his bones and not ears.
That's interesting haha we had a spiritual person recommend our wall colours too! You know interestingly.. it's possible to hear colours.. a guy born completely colourblind was given an 'eyeborg' device which has a camera that detects colours lightwaves and translates them into a sound. Each color has a specific musical frequency associated to it. He can even hear colours that even humans haven't come across! but he says its through his bones and not ears.