Friday, April 27, 2012


Logic is one of the most powerful tools anyone can use, yet it’s strange how in today’s society most people don’t use logic effectively. It’s a skill that most people aren’t taught, and when you’re not taught something, you can’t teach it to other people. Makes sense right? That my reader friend is logic right there. When something just makes sense… logically.

It’s somewhat odd the approach we as a species have taken when it comes to logic. Ever since we were young and had just started to be able to formulate a thought process we have been “taught” things that counteract teaching logic. From “don’t touch that,” to “sit here and be quiet,” we’ve just been told to do things without logical explanation, thus we learn the “do what you’re told” approach rather than “do what makes sense” approach.

Extrapolating the above example, suppose a mother enters an art store with her child. The child being curious by nature could be expected to let their eye’s wander as well as their fingers. When this happens, almost instantly the mother scoffs and says “don’t touch that!” Now a variety of things can happen here.. this variety includes the child continuing to touch things and accidentally costing his mother $1500. Now in the same situation a mother who understands and uses logic could use this opportunity to teach it to their child! Instead of demanding that the child not touch anything, the mother could explain to the child “Don’t touch anything because these items are very fragile and might break. Then mommy will have to pay for them and won’t be able to buy you toys..” Of course she could say a variety of things similar, but the point is that she explained to her child why. Now the child can associate touching the fragile art pieces to not having new toys, thus making touching them directly unpleasant.

Now you might be thinking “wow that makes sense!” Well that’s logic my friend. So if you know someone who likes to do things without legitimate reason (classically defined as irrational), share this with them! If you’re fed up with people telling you to do things that don’t make sense, tell them to either explain it to you or get their act together by reading this ...

Ismail R Raslan 

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