Friday, August 31, 2012


I can forgive, but I cannot forget is only another way of saying, "I will not forgive." Forgiveness ought to be like a canceled note-torn in two and burned up so that it never can be shown against one.

Henry Ward Beecher

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Have a (Puzzling) Dream

Pete Fecteau used over 4,000 Rubik’s Cubes to create this 18′ 6″ x 9′ 8″ mosaic of 
Dr. Martin Luther King.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Kindness to others is usually a rewarding experience, both to the recipient and the giver. When we are kind to someone we do not need to be thanked since we are instantly rewarded.

"When you are good to others, you are best to yourself." - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Doing a favor or showing understanding and compassion just feels good. To do so for praise or other benefit is more of a trade and does not have the same effect. To be kind without taking credit for it is a true unselfish act of goodness. Not only are we performing a kindness, but we are doing ourselves a big favor by reducing our stresses and improving our well being.

"The measure of a person's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out." - Thomas Macaulay (1800-1859)  

Many philosophers and others have stated this important relationship between our feelings toward others and the way we feel. By thinking of other people, we get our thoughts away from ourselves. This is particularly helpful if we find that we are too often occupied with self-pity, anger, or anxieties. It can work miracles.

Charity is more than a tax deduction.

"If you lend money, it is uncertain whether you shall be repaid; but if you bestow alms, although they may be small, your return will be a hundred fold." - Saskya Pandita (1182-1251)  

So do yourself and everyone around you a favor and be kind today and every day.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Riding your bicycle Just got more interesting

Now you can see better and look better like never before.

Revolights uses rim-mounted lights which can be installed by clipping a tube of LED lights onto the inside of any bike wheel and connecting them to a small, USB-rechargeable battery mounted on the hub. Yet as the bike moves forward, the lights begin to concentrate towards the front and back of the bike wheels in white (front) and red (rear). This creates a "headlight" which is bright enough to be used by the rider to navigate the street ahead, and a "taillight" that also acts as a bright indicator to any oncoming cars.

Star Wars Becomes a Reality in Japan

To start , Somebody has been watching Star Wars way too much.

All Terrain Scout Transports (AT-ST) were featured extensively in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Japanese engineers (at a company called Sakakibara Kikai) are building real AT-ST two-legged walkers. They call their invention the Land Walker.

The Land Walker is a one-man two-legged walker transport. It's 3.40 meters (11 feet) in height. Its two air cannons fire rubber balls. They retail for 37.8 million yen (around half a million USD).

No word if they have any plans to build full sized All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) Walkers.

The Dark Force Works in Mysterious Ways.....

Sunday, August 12, 2012

On the news today ..

A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her.

Friday, August 10, 2012

That’s impossible !

It’s only impossible if you never do anything about it. The reason certain things seem impossible is simply because nobody has achieved them yet. But this doesn’t mean that with your help these things won’t become possible in the future. If you truly dedicate yourself to an end result, almost anything is possible. You just have to want it bad enough.